Move Fearlessly

Moving Fearlessly

A mission of ours at The Fearless 5 is to help our followers treat and view the body the way God intended us to. Most of us are exposed to the sickly view of our body that society dictates, which is vastly different from God’s intention when designing our body.
The reason that this matters is that when our body image is distorted, so is our self-worth. When we question our self-worth, we limit our ability to listen and act on the God-sized dreams that He places on our hearts. We cannot live life to it’s fullest potential if our eyes are focused on our limitations rather than His possibilities.
Each body is designed for a unique purpose that God has assigned each of His children to. Just like each body is different, as is your role on this earth. When we begin to understand that our body is perfectly designed for the mission God calls us to carry out, the shift from self-loathing to self-love can be achieved.
We will start to recognize our true value as a child of God when we seek God’s vision for our life instead of focusing on our reflection in the mirror. This is the secret from living an ordinary life to an extraordinary life, which God wants for us.
We, The Fearless 5, want this for you too. Moving your body regularly is a great step to start with. As you begin to prepare your body for the mission God has for you through consistent movement, a sensation of gratitude for your body will occur. You will be able to identify your strengths rather than focus on your weaknesses. This self-discovery is pertinent to being successful in recognizing your passion and purpose in life.
Moving your body regularly as a practice of gratitude for all of the abilities God has blessed you with will be the highlight of your day when you desire mental clarity and alone time with God.
Pray with us now as you continue to embark on your journey to a deeper connection with God and the body He gave you.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for a body that is capable of carrying out the specific mission you desire for me. Please guide me to provide the intricate care that my body requires to function optimally. Continue to help me see my worth through the eyes of Heaven rather than the desires of the world. Open my heart to the possibilities you have in store for me. Let me see the importance of moving fearlessly daily.
Your Child and Fearless Warrior,